American News Women's Club
Home of Trailblazers
Please note the Club administrative hours will resume
after the holidays on Jan.13, 2025: Our New Hours:
Mon., Wed., 10 am-2 pm, Fri.,10 am-1:00 pm (and/or by appoint.) 
Please contact us at or call us at 202-332-6770.


Join us to celebrate Women's History Month at the Club, Tuesday, March 4, 2025.

Don't miss this special Women's History Month program to learn more about the incredible political contributions of Margaret Heckler, a trailblazing figure in domestic and international politics. Hear from Kimberly Heckler and contributer Belinder Heckler Mulliken on the new book "A Woman of Firsts: Margaret Heckler, Political Trailblazer." Click here to register early.


The new "Dress for Success" w/ Jane Penewell

Please note, this program will take place on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the ANWC. Click here to register early.


 New Member, Katie Rogers' book is available.


Congratulations ANWC EIJ Scholarship Winners 2024!

Eleanor Clift (Scholarship Committee Chair, ANWC EIJ Recipient, 2010), Weslan Hansen (AU '24), Angelique Gingras (UMD '24), Maureen Dowd (EIJ Recipient '24), and Aleena Fayaz (GW '24).
For more information on our scholarship winners click here.

Meet ANWC EIJ Scholarship Winners 2023

Sejal Govindarao (GW '24), Syedah Asghar (AU '23), Dana Bash (EIJ Recipient '23), and Jane Fusco (AU '25). Click here to learn more. 



* 2023 Excellence in Journalism VIP Reception honoring Dana Bash, May 24, at the Clubhouse. Click here.
*Sept. 28, "Saving History" program with Dorothy Gilliam, Maurine Beasley, and Petula Dvorak. Click here.
 *2022 EIJ Award Celebration and Benefit Dinner honoring Bob Woodward, ANWC's 90th Anniversay video. Click here.
*2022 Scholarship winners video. Click here.


Pravina Khadka (GW, '26) is ANWC's Marketing/Media Coordinator. Pravina is overseeing Club and Cranford House marketing and membership activities.  


ANWC's Past Scholarship Winners


Daniella Jimenez (AU,'24), Bob Woodward (ANWC EIJ Recipient '22), Hannah Loder (GW, '23) and Nzinga Temu (Howard, '22) pictured at the National Press Club on May 12, 2022.


Carmenluciia Acosta (AU, '21) and Georgena Mierow (GW, '21) pictured on the podium at the National Press Club in May, 2021 with Board Member and Chairman of the Scholarship Committee, Eleanor Clift.






Ann Compton veteran White House correspondent for ABC News
is coming to the club October 8

The American News Women's Club is pleased to welcome Ann Compton on October 8.  Compton has covered 7 Presidents for ABC News and 10 presidential campaigns. Among her many accomplishments, she has shared in 1 Emmy for her coverage as the only broadcast reporter onboard Air Force One on September 11th.  Compton retired from ABC News on Sept 10th, 2014, 41 years to the day she started as a network correspondent.

6:30 p.m. Networking and light dinner

 7:15 p.m. Program begins

$25 Members, $30 Guests, $40 Members w/a guest, $15 Students/Juniors (25 and under)

Reserve today!

PLEASE RSVP EARLY to or call Janina at 202-332-6770



  • October 20 - "Tricks of the Trade" Digital Media Training with the AP's Claritza Jimenez 
  • November 4 - Meet the Ambassador of The Netherlands H.E. Rudolf Bekink
  • November 18 - The Honorable Gordon A. Martin, Jr., author of "Count Them One by One," will speak at ANWC to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Martin was young attorney at the Department of Justice who tried a landmark case that served as a model for other challenges to voter discrimination in the South and was an important influence in shaping the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
  • December 11 - Holiday Party


Congratulations to the 2014 ANWC Scholars!


Emily Schweich is a rising junior at the University of Maryland's Philip Merrill College of Journalism, where is she pursuing her degree in broadcast journalism. She is also ANWC's 2014 Jane Lingo Scholar.


Dominique Bonessi is a rising senior at the George Washington University, where she is majoring in journalism and mass communications, and Arab language and literature.


Diana Marinaccio is a rising senior at the George Washington University's School of Media and Public Affairs, where she's majoring in journalism and mass communications, and minoring in Spanish/cross-cultural communications.


To learn more about our winners and the scholarship, click here.




Natalie DiBlasio


Anna Miller


Jean White


Elizabeth Jia

Vice President, Membership/Development

Sandy Trupp

Governor, House 

Page Crosland

Vice President, Communications 

Eleanor Clift 


Tish Van Dyke


Marion Mattingly

Vice President, Programs

Claire Sanders Swift

Immediate Past President




Making the ANWC Proud
ANWC Pres.Claire Swift & PBS Legend Gwen Ifill  
celebrate "Excellence" at the Press Club, May 19th.
May 29, 2014

Dear Members and Friends of the ANWC,  

Two years ago, I took office with great challenges ahead. My goal: to make the ANWC a better place by advancing excellence in journalism in new ways, while remembering what has worked in the past. With the extraordinary assistance of two gifted and supportive 2012-2014 ANWC Governing Boards , a caring membership of stalwart believers in the club, new blood,  lots of adrenaline and hard work, strategic positioning and the support of my loving family and dear friends,  I can safely say, with the greatest appreciation, that our Club is on solid ground -- with room for growth.

*  Our membership has nearly doubled. Thanks to new members--young and old, many renewals, the reigniting of honorary memberships for speakers, exciting programs, including our "Meet the Ambassadors" program series,  we have attracted new and interesting members to join and rejoin. Five-year honorary members now include our roasters/toasters, from Barbara Walters' gala, Ted Koppel, emcee Norah O'Donnell and this year, Martha Raddatz,  Ray Suarez, John Dickerson and Dorothy Gilliam.  And of course our two new lifetime honorary members join the ranks of membership,  Barbara Walters (EIJ-2013) and Gwen Ifill (EIJ-2014).

* Our historic and elegant Club house has been refreshed and updatedwith a renovated third and 4th floor office suites,  new banquet chairs in our main 2nd floor room, new dining room wallpaper and chair covers,dining room sheers, an updated floor and new paint in kitchen and a new couch in the Berryman room. We did this on a shoe string budget.  Thank you Jean White, our VP of House. We are in a healthy place for more events and Cranford House rentals. My thanks go out especially to Rogerio who does wonderful work for us tirelessly in the house. And deep felt thanks go to my amazing husband Bill Swift, our constant gardener.  

*Our yearly operating income is back on track.  Thanks to our wonderful and reliable licensees of the 3rd and 4th floors - Tom Hardart of Witnify, Inc.and Jennifer Pellizzaro of Dupont Creative who share our important mission to support excellence in journalism at the Club house. Also thanks to our two successful EIJ benefits - our 2013 gala luncheon honoring Barbara Walters (I am forever thankful to you Ginny Daly) and our 2014  Gwen Ifill Roast which would not have happened if Julie Chase,  my friend and Roast Chairman had not stepped up to bring back the good old fashioned roast.  Thank you, Julie. Also thank you co-Chair Karen James Cody,  and the Benefit Committee - including Sheilah Kast,  for your undying support. We were able to make the funds to support our scholarships again this year!  Also our grant from the MARPAT Foundation of $15,000 has funded our Meet the Ambassadorsprograms which have become a great draw. My special thanks go to Marion Mattingly, VP of Programs,  this year for her stellar work all the way through. 

*Our club office is in working order thanks to Janina Roncevic our Sr. Staff Liaison who works with great Club spirit on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and will continue doing so. Our record keeping is back on track with new file cabinets. Janina's great on the phone and keeps us all on track with RSVP's and history keeping. Our membership directory has been a big hit these last two years, thank you Janina.  We are in search of someone who can assist Janina with Cranford House rentals.  

*  I  leave you with a very able Governing Board for next year.  Our Nominating Committee led by Chairman Eileen Higgins, Nancy Lang and Anne Ganz has selected a wonderful team to govern. Click here for 2014-2015 Slate of Officers.(If you are unable to open this attachment please go I could not be more appreciative. It's been a pleasure and an honor to be at the helm and help keep our club alive, current and vibrant in these days where other storied institutions have different fates. I will never stop believing in our future. 

I hope to see you at Meet the Ambassadors/Botswana coming soon onWednesday, June 4th or at our Annual Meeting and Election of Officerson Tuesday, June 17th followed by a special program featuring the Ambassador of Estonia.  Contact the Club office to register and please always remember to visit our website for updates.

With continued appreciation and high hopes,  

Claire Sanders Swift